Technical Completion Reports

Parent: University of California Water Resources Center

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0g21p5hsImpact of Climate Change on Irrigation Water Availability, Crop Water Requirements and Soil Salinity in the SJV, CA2093017914.4%
8c3559pmDistribution, Ecology and Potential Impacts of the Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in San Francisco Bay1863814820.4%
0s84j2wwThe Evolution of California State Water Planning 1850-192863253839.7%
36q1p0vjThe Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: The Evolution and Implementation of Water Policy: An Historical Perspective60105016.7%
3qt3s5c4Influence of Nutrient Loading on the Invasion of an Alien Plant Species, Giant Reed (Arundo donax), in Southern California Riparian Ecosystems60184230.0%
9cd5h943The Redox Transformation and Mobilization of Arsenate and Arsenite at Water - Sediment Interfaces554517.3%
5rw9k19jManagement of Coarse Sediment in Regulated Rivers of California53203337.7%
5380r5f4Hydrogeological study and modeling of the Kern Water Bank522503.8%
8h99x39tColloidal fouling of reverse osmosis membranes51232845.1%
22n4t5dqSelenium Removal by Constructed Wetlands: Role of Biological Volatilization49272255.1%
7kg3c1vgClimate Variability of the Sierra Nevada Over the Last Millennium: Reconstructions from Annually Laminated Sediments in Swamp Lake, Yosemite National Park, CA453426.7%
86z2n9wmSteelhead and Chinook Salmon Bioenergetics: Temperature, Ration, and Genetic Effects43142932.6%
70q7678rEffects of Herbaceous Riparian Vegetation on Streambank Stability42113126.2%
0cv8d56hEnforcement-driven financing of water quality in California: The case of supplemental environmental projects4153612.2%
836054d6Evaluating the use of marine-derived nitrogen in riparian tree rings as an indicator of historical nutrient flux and salmon abundance4183319.5%
08m6429rNDMA Formation during Chlorination and Chloramination of Aqueous Diuron Solutions40221855.0%
30h036pgExtending Traditional Technology of Aquifer Characterization Through Numerical Models40231757.5%
1d66w63cIntegrated regional water management: Collaboration or water politics as usual?3963315.4%
8cw1d14zBioaccumulation and Biotransformations of Organic Material-Borne Selenium in Mosquitofish (Determination of Dimethylselenoxide in Solution Using HPLC-HG-AAS)3983120.5%
4nb992t4Freshwater mussels in a California North Coast Range river: occurrence, distribution, and controls38112728.9%
2vn519zvFurrow Irrigation Model Development and Evaluation35221362.9%
3z72p27xEffects of temperature, flow, and disturbance on adult spring-run chinook salmon3592625.7%
90f0p629Effect of Stream Flow Regulation and Absence of Scouring Floods on Trophic Transfer of Biomass to Fish in Northern California Rivers3592625.7%
9nk76212Optimal Operation of a Multiple Reservoir System3562917.1%
42s7q82wA Two-Step Nonlinear Programming Approach to the Optimization of Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Ground Water32122037.5%
6gd967h3Control of mercury methylation in wetlands through iron addition3242812.5%
9v08n1jjAssessment of Acidity of Lakes and Precipitation in the Sierra Nevada3152616.1%
2zw1t2gpSoil water monitoring using geophysical techniques : development and applications in agriculture and water resources management3082226.7%
6w45z4b9Simulating and understanding variability in runoff from the Sierra Nevada3032710.0%
7mm4x49bIs urban runoff a source of human pathogenic viruses to recreational beach waters?3062420.0%
88z6h320Pyrethroid pesticide transport into Monterey Bay through riverine suspended solids3072323.3%
03z3j4pbIntegrated Planning and Management for Urban Water Supplies Considering Multiple Uncertainties2862221.4%
5zv4z9f6Determining factors for Eurasian watermilfoil (M. spicatum) spread in and around Lake Tahoe, CA-NV2832510.7%
38w0p9stAssessment of Seawater Intrusion Potential From Sea-level Rise in Coastal Aquifers of California2781929.6%
4ww3x92zNon-native fish in mountain lakes: effects on a declining amphibian and ecosystem subsidy2762122.2%
33q2m802Selection of Native Wetland Plants for Water Treatment of Urban Runoff2671926.9%
3h49h1bcMechanisms for Addressing Third-Party Impacts Resulting from Voluntary Water Transfers2671926.9%
3sc2n3zcMaintenance and Dissemination of a Water Transfer Data Base for 12 Western States, 1987-20082632311.5%
8742x6whMicrobial Denitrification of Groundwater using Microporous Membranes2652119.2%
9sv6j03hEcohydrologic Effects of Stream Restoration2652119.2%
0pj3t3pdEvaluating the effectiveness of vegetated buffers to remove nutrients, pathogens, and sediment transported in runoff from grazed, irrigated pastures25111444.0%
28j085gsContaminant Transport in Groundwater for Environmental Performance Assessment2552020.0%
5f02599tDeveloping a Model System for Assessing the Effects of Conversion to Sustainable Agricultural Practices in a Sensitive Estuarine Watershed, Elkhorn Slough, California25121348.0%
9rc0j398Virus, phosphorus, and nitrogen removal in onsite wastewater treatment processes25101540.0%
9zv0s4npExperimental Determinations of Henry's Law Constants of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) to Evaluate Exposure to Aquatic Biota2532212.0%
3jm451dsDevelopment of a rapid, sensitive, and quantitative method to detect infective hepatitis, a virus in water2442016.7%
3wd852m8Part I: Potential Usefulness of Antitranspirants for Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Plants2451920.8%
7mc1611nFuture regional climate change in the ten hydrologic regions of California: A climate modeling investigation2481633.3%
8f91w2sdPolitical structure and management decisions in California's agricultural water districts2432112.5%
9h04h5p8California-2100: Assessing Future Water Resources over California2461825.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.