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Dermatology Online Journal

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Diabetes and the Skin. Photoessay and Review.

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The Skin and Diabetes Mellitus

by Arthur C. Huntley M.D.

Dermatology Online Journal, December 1995
Volume 1, Number 2


Diabetes - A Photoessay
This pictorial presentation of the cutaneous manifestations of diabetes uses more than 100 images, each at multiple resolutions.
Review of Diabetes and the Skin
This traditional text presentation is provided to give back-up material for the photoessay.

Index to Diabetes Images

This index offers access to more than 100 images, each in 3 resolutions.

The diabetes skin images presented here were selected from a collection of original transparencies. Although most subjects are well represented, there are some notable exceptions, such as erysipelas-like erythema and gangrene. The accompanying written review is also lacking comment on several areas (insulin reactions, acanthosis nigricans, and Kyrle disease), but these are illustrated in the photoessay.
All contents copyright (C), 1995.
Dermatology Online Journal
University of California Davis