The following Master's Thesis consists of the program notes written for my MA recital by the same title, Labyrinths, which took place in October 1st, 2009 in the Conrad Prebys Concert Hall of the University of California, San Diego.
Part of the intention behind the concert and the program note in question is to reveal the potential interconnection of such diverse works as Liszt's Sonate in h-moll, Boulez's
Constallation-Miroir from his Third Sonata and Ferneyhough's Opus Contra Naturam, through the influential morphological model of the labyrinth.This interconnection can ideally shed some light on the listener's perception of the works, as well as raise questions regarding: the linearity of musical time in the West; fragmentation and discontinuity as a dominant feature in modern (in a broader sense) musical composition; the nature of learning processes on the part of the performer; the creative interaction of music with other media, inclusing poetry, theatre and philosophy.