We report a rare case of a 53-year-old womanpresenting with diffuse, late-onset disseminatedhyperkeratotic papules. Biopsy showed massivehyperkeratosis overlying a crateriform epidermaldepression and hypergranulosis with mild epidermalhyperplasia. There was no parakeratosis, cornoidlamella, or dyskeratosis. Based on the clinical findingsand histopathological features, a diagnosis ofdisseminated punctate keratoderma was made. Thisis a rare subtype of palmoplantar keratoderma, whichhas a putative increased risk of malignancy. This casereport emphasizes the importance of identifyingthe clinical and histological presentation of this rarecondition; referral of the patient for age-appropriatemalignancy screening is appropriate. We also presenta concise review of treatment options.