Dijet resonance searches are simple, yet powerful and model-independent, probes for discovering new particles at hadron colliders. Once such a resonance has been discovered it is important to determine the mass, spin, couplings, chiral behavior and color properties to determine the underlying theoretical structure. We propose a new variable which, in the absence of decays of the resonance into new nonstandard states, distinguishes between color-octet and color-singlet resonances. To keep our study widely applicable we study phenomenological models of color-octet and color-singlet resonances in flavor universal as well as flavor nonuniversal scenarios. We present our analysis for a wide range of mass (2.5-6 TeV), couplings and flavor scenarios for the LHC with center of mass energy of 14 TeV and varying integrated luminosities of 30, 100, 300 and 1000 fb-1. We find encouraging results to distinguish color-octet and color-singlet resonances for different flavor scenarios at the LHC. © 2013 American Physical Society.