Through this project, I present a new archive of literature and art from incarcerated youthfrom The Beat Within magazine, which is a longstanding twenty eight year old multi-county,
interstate, “inside-the-walls” publication. I use a Freireian humanistic methodological approach
to understand issues of incarceration and education. Paulo Freire, philosopher and author of
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, hones in on the concept of listening to the oppressed as a way for us
to learn, which is something I find truly valuable in this project. We have been taught by
education and the media that the incarcerated are deviants, and they must be punished. Because
of this, I will be using a “boots-on-the-ground” methodological framework that focuses on
listening to the real experiences of incarcerated youth—those who have been silenced by the
carceral state. I explore methods of juvenile justice literary and art empowerment. Through
vulnerable liberatory writing and amor art, the real human heart and consciousness is found.