The market for conservation easements provides a way to ensure the
continued existence of open space amenities where rural communities face
development pressure. The object of this research is to identify factors
affecting land trust agents’ preferences for conservation easements and
to investigate preference heterogeneity among those potentially involved
in easement acquisition. Stated choice surveys were sent to land trusts’
personnel (agents) across the Intermountain West. Models were segmented
by attitudinal data from land trust agents regarding their organizations’
provision of ecosystem services versus their sense of place or place
attachment when considering conservation easement choices. Four separate
random utility models were estimated. Results indicated that preference
heterogeneity for conservation easements exists across land trust agent
segments. Such knowledge provides insights into factors which may affect
potential demands for conservation easements in this evolving market.
These outcomes might help public policy makers allocate resources towards
land conservation and land use planning.