The computational Grid provides a promising platform for the
efficient execution of parameter sweep applications over very large parameter
spaces. Scheduling such applications is challenging because target resources
are heterogeneous, because their load and availability varies dynamically, and
because tasks may share common data files. In this paper, we propose a
scheduling algorithm for parameter sweep applications on the Grid. We consider
standard heuristics for task/host assignment (Max-min, Min-min, Sufferage), and
we propose an extension of Sufferage called XSufferage. Using simulation, we
demonstrate 3 results: 1) that XSufferage can take advantage of file sharing
to achieve better performance than the other heuristics under a wide variety of
load conditions, 2) that it is possible to characterize the environments under
which different heuristics perform best, and 3) that it is possible to
characterize the performance of different heuristics under the (realistic)
assumption of varying accuracy of performance estimations.
Pre-2018 CSE ID: CS1999-0632