Limit theorems are ubiquitous in probability theory. The present work samples contributions
of the author at the interface of this theory with three distinct fields: interacting particle
systems, exchangeable random variables, and long-range percolation.
In the theory of interacting particle systems, one often studies the stationary distribu
tions, which are obtained as limiting distributions of the process. We will discuss a proof
concerning characterization of these measures in the case of an attractive nearest neighbor
translation invariant spin system on the integers.
Exchangeable sequences of random variables are mixtures of i.i.d. sequences, and the
probability measure that determines the relative proportions of this mixture can be ob
tained as a limit from the exchangeable sequence itself. We will analyze the possibility of
reconstructing this probability measure from only partial information about the exchange
able sequence.
A goal in long-range percolation is to understand how chemical distance scales with
Euclidean separation. We will show that the limiting scaling behavior for a certain class of
models is polylogarithmic. This will be an improvement on existing results.