Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) are passive elements that have beenused in tandem with lasers in the visible and infrared wavelengths to generate mode-locked
pulses for applications in communication and spectroscopy. In this thesis, the simulation and
characterization of terahertz saturable absorber metasurfaces and mid-IR samples embedded
with quantum-cascade (QC) absorbing material are discussed. The reflectance of each design
is simulated to determine expected saturation parameters and compared with analytic
estimates. The characterization of the saturable absorber involves focusing a QC-vertical
external cavity surface emitting laser (VECSEL) onto a saturable absorber in a reflectionmode
spectroscopy configuration to measure the reflected power. Using a gold mirror as a
reference, the reflectance is measured for frequencies near 3.4 THz at room temperature. Improvements
to this experiment and a preliminary design for an external cavity incorporating
a saturable absorber metasurface are proposed.