The Presidential Executive Order 13112 for control of invasive species signed by President Clinton illustrates the national concern over the negative impact that nutria (Myocastor coypus) and other non-native, invasive species have on the nation’s natural resources. Nutria are established in 15 states nationwide and cause damage to agricultural crops and natural ecosystems. Despite efforts to control their populations, nutria are found in Maryland throughout the Eastern Shore and in the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers on the Western Shore. Twenty-three federal, state, and private organizations have combined their efforts to develop a three-year pilot plan for nutria control entitled "Marsh Restoration: Nutria Control in Maryland." In 1999 and 2000, funding became available to begin the first year of the three-year pilot effort. The objectives of the pilot program are to develop accurate population estimates, determine effective trapping strategies to maximize nutria harvest and minimize impacts to non-target species, evaluate the effects of population control on nutria home range and movement patterns, determine how population control affects nutria reproductive behavior, determine if the health of nutria populations is influenced by intense harvest pressure, and monitor the effects of intense nutria harvest on vegetative response. Implementation of the control plan will begin during summer 2000.