Psychological essentialism is the belief that members of a category share deep, underlying commonalities. Previous
evidence suggests that essentialism is stronger for masculine than feminine properties and more evident in monolingual than
bilingual children. Here, we investigated essentialism of gender by monolingual and bilingual adults, focusing on two distinct
dimensions of essentialism: naturalness (regarding categories as natural kinds) and entitativity (regarding categories as homogeneous
groups). Participants indicated their agreement with statements assessing beliefs about men and women on these two
dimensions. The results replicated previous work showing that men are essentialized more than women, but revealed that this
effect may be specific to the entitativity dimension. We also found that, compared to monolinguals, bilinguals were less likely
to essentialize gender in terms of naturalness. Our findings converge with previous research highlighting the bidimensionality
of essentialism and suggest that early effects of language experience on essentialist beliefs may persist into adulthood.