The motion of particles suspended in environmental turbulence is relevant to many scientific fields, from sediment transport to biological interactions to underwater robotics. At very small scales and simple shapes, we are able to completely mathematically describe the motion of inertial particles; however, the motion of large aspherical particles is significantly more complex, and current computational models are inadequate for large or highly-resolved domains. Therefore, we seek to experimentally investigate the coupling between freely suspended particles and ambient turbulence. A better understanding of this coupling will inform not only engineering and physics, but the interactions between small aquatic organisms and their environments. In the following pages, we explore the roles of shape and buoyancy on the motion of passive particles in turbulence, and allow these particles to serve as models for meso-scale aquatic organisms.
We fabricate cylindrical and spheroidal particles and suspend them in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence that is generated via randomly-actuated jet arrays. The particles are fabricated with agarose hydrogel, which is refractive-index-matched to the surrounding fluid (water). Both the fluid and the particle are seeded with passive tracers, allowing us to perform Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) simultaneously on the particle and fluid phase. To investigate the effects of shape, particles are fabricated at varying aspect ratios; to investigate the effects of buoyancy, particles are fabricated at varying specific gravities. Each particle type is freely suspended at a volume fraction of Φ=0.1%, for which four-way coupling interactions are negligible. The suspended particles are imaged together with the surrounding fluid and analyzed using stereoscopic PIV, which yields three velocity components in a two-dimensional measurement plane. Using image thresholding, the results are separated into simultaneous fluid-phase and solid-phase velocity fields.
Using these simultaneous measurements, we examine particles’ turbulent slip velocity and compare it to particles’ quiescent settling velocity, which we measure directly. We observe that the slip velocity is strongly reduced relative to the quiescent case, and explore various mechanisms of particle loitering in turbulence. We further explore the relationship between the instantaneous particle velocity and the instantaneous fluid velocity, and develop a linear parametrization. By comparing our experimental data to a simple one-dimensional flow in the context of this parametrization, we elucidate aspects of slip velocity that are unique to turbulence.
We obtain the particles’ angular velocity by applying the solid-body rotation equation to velocity measurements at points inside the particle. We find that the expected value of angular velocity magnitude does not vary significantly with particle aspect ratio, as long as particles are nearly neutrally buoyant. Stronger effects on rotation are found for more negatively-buoyant particles. We also investigate particles’ inheritance of vorticity from turbulent velocity fields, and find that particle rotation can be predicted by applying a spatial filter to fluid-phase vorticity.
The results of this study will allow us to more accurately predict the motion of aspherical particles, giving new insights into oceanic carbon cycling, industrial processes, and other important topics. This analysis will also shed light onto biological questions of navigation, reproduction, and predator-prey interaction by quantifying the turbulence-driven behavior of meso-scale aquatic organisms, allowing researchers to sift out passive vs. active effects in a behaving organism. Lastly, processes that are directly dependent on particle dynamics (e.g., sediment transport, industrial processes) will be informed by our results.