In advance of the meeting, 34 researchers prepared position statements on the following kinds of questions:
• What is the current state of knowledge with respect to spatiotemporal constraints on social networks and informationflows, particularly from a meta-network perspective?
• How can theories of social network interaction be extended to incorporate the constraining effects of space, time, theInternet, and mass media?
• Can probability distributions be developed for networks or network metrics that are parameterized by spatial andtemporal separation?
• What rich sources of data can be found to calibrate and parameterize these new models?
• What new metrics and models can be developed for assessing critical nodes, groups, and trails in and throughnetworks that take spatio-temporal constraints, the Internet, and mass-media effects into account?
• Can we develop novel methods for visualizing the operation of spatio-temporal constraints and their effects on the flow of ideas and information through meta-networks?
• What methods of inference are appropriate for detection of spatio-temporal and network constraints in crowd-sourced data, and what are appropriate metrics of uncertainty?