Risk and delay co-occur. Intertemporal choices are rarely
certain; risky choices are rarely atemporal. Behavioral
evidence suggests that risk and time are entangled: time
discounting is different for risky outcomes than for riskless
outcomes. A prominent model of risky intertemporal choice
(Baucells & Heukamp, 2012) combines risk and delay into
psychological distance. It predicts that risk and time will be
entangled for outcome risk (risk with one zero outcome and at
least one positive outcome) but not for amount risk (risk with
three or more positive outcomes) unless assuming non-
cumulative probability weights. We show that BH does not
quantitatively fit risky intertemporal choices better than a
model assuming risk and time are independent. Many
participants were best fit by a random response model. The
functional form for risky intertemporal choices is difficult to
detect. While risk and time are entangled, they do not seem to
be evaluated as psychological distance.