For integers , the Kneser graph is the graph with vertex-set consisting of all the -element subsets of , where two -element sets are adjacent in if they are disjoint. We show that if with and is set of vertices of of size larger than then the subgraph of induced by has maximum degree at least This is sharp up to the behaviour of the error term . In particular, if the triple of integers satisfies the condition above, then the minimum maximum degree does not increase `continuously' with . Instead, it has jumps, one at each time when becomes just larger than the union of stars, for . An appealing special case of the above result is that if is a family of -element subsets of with , then there exists such that is disjoint from at least of the other sets in ; we give both a random and a deterministic construction showing that this is asymptotically sharp if . In addition, it solves (up to a constant multiplicative factor) a problem of Gerbner, Lemons, Palmer, Patkós and Szécsi.
Frankl and Kupavskii, using different methods, have recently proven similar results under the hypothesis that is at least a quadratic in .
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05D05
Keywords: Kneser, intersecting, sensitivity, Erdős-Ko-Rado type theorem