The mental number line (MNL) hypothesis is that numbers
are mentally represented in spatial format, particularly in leftto-
right orientation among Westerners. The MNL has
received support from various paradigms, but it remains
controversial as it is challenged by alternative models. Here
we used an individual differences approach to assess spatialnumerical
associations (SNAs) across a variety of tasks. The
MNL hypothesis predicts correlations across SNA tasks
because they should tap a common MNL representation.
Control tasks were included to account for effects not specific
to SNAs. Correlation analyses revealed significant
associations across several SNA tasks, even when controlling
for general cognitive abilities or individual differences in
response time (RT). These findings provide unique support
for the MNL hypothesis, and begin to shed insight on
potential explanations that may contribute to variation in the
strength of the correlations among SNA tasks.