Erdős, Füredi, Rothschild and Sós initiated a study of classes of graphs that forbid every induced subgraph on a given number m of vertices and number f of edges. Extending their notation to r-graphs, we write (n,e)→r(m,f) if every r-graph G on n vertices with e edges has an induced subgraph on m vertices and f edges. The forcing density of a pair (m,f) is σr(m,f)=lim supn→∞|{e:(n,e)→r(m,f)}|(nr). In the graph setting it is known that there are infinitely many pairs (m,f) with positive forcing density. Weber asked if there is a pair of positive forcing density for r≥3 apart from the trivial ones (m,0) and (m,(mr)). Answering her question, we show that (6,10) is such a pair for r=3 and conjecture that it is the unique such pair. Further, we find necessary conditions for a pair to have positive forcing density, supporting this conjecture.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C35, 05C65
Keywords: Induced hypergraphs, forcing density
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