Visual memory for naturalistic scenes is mediated by: amount
of exposure, semantic content, and type of encoding. These
factors might interactively contribute to scene memorability.
Thus, we tracked computer-mouse movements during an encoding
phase where participants verified the congruency of
sentence and scene pairs, which varied in plausibility. The
presentation time of the scenes was also manipulated. Subsequently,
in an unexpected recognition phase, participants had
to indicate whether they remembered scenes (old and new).
Recognition improved when correct verifications were made
during encoding especially: when the scene was implausible,
the stimuli pair congruent, and for longer presentation times.
When comparing the trajectories between encoding and recognition,
we found greater hesitancy during encoding, especially
for implausible scenes in incongruent pairs, decreasing as presentation
time increased. These results provide novel insights
into the factors modulating the memorability of naturalistic