We investigate the effect of a magnetic field supported at a single lattice site on
the low-energy spectrum of the ferromagnetic Heisenberg XXZ chain. Such fields, caused by
impurities, can modify the low-energy spectrum significantly by pinning certain
excitations, such as kink and droplet states. We distinguish between different boundary
conditions (or sectors), the direction and also the strength of the magnetic field. E.g.,
with a magnetic field in the z-direction applied at the origin and ++ boundary conditions,
there is a critical field strength B_c (which depends on the anisotropy of the Hamiltonian
and the spin value) with the following properties: for B < B_c there is a unique ground
state with a gap, at the critical value, B_c, there are infinitely many (droplet) ground
states with gapless excitations, and for B>B_c there is again a unique ground state but
now belonging to the continuous spectrum. In contrast, any magnetic field with a
non-vanishing component in the xy-plane yields a unique ground state, which, depending on
the boundary conditions, is either an (anti)kink, or an (anti)droplet state. For such
fields, i.e., not aligned with the z-axis, excitations always have a gap and we obtain a
rigorous lower bound for that gap.