Complex numerals (e.g., four hundred) have a multiplicative
structure (four hundred = 4 x 100). This paper investigates
whether children are sensitive to the meaning of the
multiplicative structure. We designed a novel word learning
paradigm and taught 4- to 6-year-old children the meaning of
a novel numeral phrase (e.g., ‘one gobi houses’ to mean a
group of three houses). We then asked whether they could
generalize it to a novel context (e.g., ‘two gobi butterflies’ to
mean two groups of three). Experiment 1 showed that only
English-speaking children who received multiplier syntax
training were able to generalize. Experiment 2 extended
findings from Experiment 1 to Cantonese-speaking children
and found that they could also generalize a novel multiplier to
novel contexts. These results suggest that children as young
as 4 can create a mapping between the structure of complex
numerals and a multiplicative meaning.