The central nervous system coordinates peripheral cellular-stress responses, including the unfolded protein response of the mitochondria (UPRMT); however, the contexts for which this regulatory capability evolved is unknown. The UPRMT is upregulated upon pathogenic infection and in metabolic flux, and the olfactory system has been shown to regulate pathogen resistance and peripheral metabolic activity. Therefore, we asked whether the olfactory nervous system in C. elegans controls the UPRMT cell nonautonomously. In Chapter 2, we found that silencing a single inhibitory olfactory neuron pair, AWC, led to robust induction of the UPRMT and reduction of oxidative phosphorylation dependent on serotonin signaling and parkin-mediated mitophagy. Further, AWC ablation confers resistance to the pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa partially dependent on the UPRMT transcription factor atfs-1, and fully dependent on mitophagy machinery. In Chapter 3, we found that in addition to UPRMT induction, olfaction regulates a distinct pathway that results in a peripheral skn-1-dependent oxidative stress response. Finally, in Chapter 4, we explore a skn-1-dependent starvation resistance phenotype regulated by olfaction. These data illustrate a role for the olfactory nervous system in regulating whole-organism mitochondrial dynamics, cellular-stress responses, and energy homeostasis, perhaps in preparation for postprandial metabolic stress, starvation, or pathogenic infection.