As compared to other animals, humans are particularly skilled
at using and improving tools and other solutions to problems
that were first discovered by other people. Although the human
capacity for cumulative cultural evolution is well-known, the
effectiveness of inheritance as a form of problem solving is
an area in need of further research. We report an experiment
designed to understand how effectively solutions to problems
accumulate over generations of problem solving. Using a tool-
discovery game, we found that participants were consistently
able to discover more tools in a 25 minute session than their
ancestors. Participants who inherited more tools required more
time to recreate them, but their rate of new tool discovery was
not slowed. In addition, we show that participants were able
to recreate the tools they inherited more efficiently than their
ancestors, but that inheritance did not confer any improvement
in future problem solving. We discuss the limitations of this
work, and motivate future directions.