We are currently in the process of designing and implement-
ing a computational cognitive system that combines percep-
tion, memory, attention, and domain-specific semantic knowl-
edge to perform data visualization tasks. While this work is
still in early stages, we report here on one subset of this larger
project that involves building a “visual long term memory” for
the system. To constrain the problem, we assume a domain
of astronomy, and we focus exclusively on scatterplot visual-
izations. In this paper, we present three of our initial steps
along this path. First, we collected and analyzed a catalog of
74 scatterplots from real astronomy sources (papers, books,
etc.), which we consider to be typical data visualizations that
astronomers would frequently encounter during their educa-
tion. Second, we asked a team of human raters to rate all
74 scatterplots along nine dimensions describing shape cate-
gories, taken from a computational approach originally sug-
gested by John and Paul Tukey called scagnostics. Third, we
calculated computer-based scagnostics for a subset of the scat-
terplots. We measured inter-rater agreements among the hu-
man raters and between the calculated and human ratings.