How does modality affect our ability to create a new
communication system? This paper describes two
experiments that address this question, and extend prior
related findings by drawing from a significantly more
extensive list of concepts (over 1000) than has been used
previously. In Experiment 1, participants communicated
concepts to a partner using either gestures or non-linguistic
vocalizations (sounds that are not words). Experiment 1
confirmed that participants who gesture 1) produce more
strongly ‘motivated’ signs that physically resemble the
concepts they represent (i.e., are iconic), 2) are better able to
correctly guess the meaning of a partner’s signs, and 3) show
stronger alignment on a shared inventory of signs. Experiment
2 addressed a limitation of Experiment 1 (concurrent feedback
only in the gesture condition). In Experiment 2 concurrent
feedback was eliminated from the gesture and vocal
conditions. Gesture again outperformed vocalization on
communication effectiveness and sign alignment.