The saturated de Rham-Witt complex, introduced by Bhatt-Lurie-Mathew, is a variant of the classical de Rham-Witt complex which provides a conceptual simplification of the classical construction and which is expected to produce better results for non-smooth varieties. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the saturated de Rham-Witt complex which allows coefficients in a unit-root $F$-crystal. We define our complex by a universal property in a category of so-called de Rham-Witt modules. We prove a number of results about it, including existence, quasicoherence, and comparisons to the de Rham-Witt complex of Bhatt-Lurie-Mathew and (in the smooth case) to crystalline cohomology and the classical de Rham-Witt complex with coefficients.