Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations are commonly employed for estimating features of a target distribution, particularly for Bayesian inference. A fundamental challenge is determining when these simulations should stop. This dissertation begins by introducing relevant MCMC basics and discussing several existing techniques to terminate an MCMC simulation: the convergence diagnostics, using the effective sample size (ESS) as a stopping rule, and the fixed-width stopping rule (FWSR).
This dissertation continues by proposing the relative FWSRs that terminate the simulation when the width of a confidence interval is sufficiently small relative to the size of the target parameter. Specifically, we introduce two sequential stopping rules: the relative magnitude and the relative standard deviation FWSR in the context of MCMC. In each setting, we develop conditions to ensure the simulation will terminate with probability one and the resulting confidence intervals will have the proper coverage probability. The results are applicable in such MCMC estimation settings as expectation, quantile, or simultaneous multivariate estimation. We investigate the finite sample properties through a variety of examples, and provide some recommendations to practitioners.
New challenges present when the relative FWSRs are applied to terminate high-dimensional MCMC simulations. To this end, we propose using a modified relative standard deviation FWSR that terminates the simulation when the computational uncertainty is small relative to the posterior uncertainty. Further, we show this stopping rule is equivalent to stopping when the effective sample size is sufficiently large. Such a stopping rule has previously been shown to work well in settings with posteriors of moderate dimension. We further illustrate its utility in high-dimensional simulations while overcoming some current computational issues. As examples, we consider two complex Bayesian analyses on spatially and temporally correlated datasets. The first involves a dynamic space-time model on weather station data and the second a spatial variable selection model on fMRI brain imaging data. The results show the modified sequential stopping rule is easy to implement, provides uncertainty estimates, and performs well in high-dimensional settings.
As a novel application, we propose using Bayesian model selection on linear mixed-effects models to compare multiple treatments with a control. A fully Bayesian approach is implemented to estimate the marginal posterior inclusion probability for each treatment, along with the model-averaged posterior distributions. It automatically traverses the model space and identifies subsets of predictors with nonzero fixed-effects coefficients; that is, it locates the model with the highest posterior probability. The resulting marginal inclusion probabilities provide a straightforward measure of the differences between treatments and the control. Default priors are proposed for model selection and a component-wise Gibbs sampler is developed for posterior computation. The proposed method is shown to work well using simulated data and the experimental data from a longitudinal study of mouse weight trajectories.