Does the habitual reading and writing direction (RWD) affect
the aesthetic appreciation of visual art? Pérez González
(2012) showed that 19th century Iranian and Spanish
professional photographers manifest lateral biases linked to
RWD in their compositions. The present study aimed to test
whether the general public shows similar biases, and under
what conditions. Photographies with left-to-right (L-R) and
right-to-left (R-L) directionality were selected from Pérez
Gonz√°lez's collections and presented in both the original and
mirror reversed forms to Spanish (L-R readers) and Moroccan
(R-L readers) participants. In Experiment 1, participants rated
each picture as to how aesthetically pleasing it was. The
results showed no interactions with RWD. In Experiment 2,
we presented each picture and its mirror version and asked the
participants to choose which one they liked better. Now, clear
biases linked to RWD arose. RWD does affect aesthetic
impressions of photography in the general public, but only
when people are paying attention to the lateral spatial
dimension of the pictures.