AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a master regulator of energy homeostasis and a promising drug target for managing metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Many pharmacological AMPK activators, and possibly unidentified physiological metabolites, bind to the allosteric drug and metabolite (ADaM) site at the interface between the kinase domain (KD) in the α-subunit and the carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) in the β-subunit. Here, using double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy, we demonstrate that the CBM-KD interaction is partially dissociated and the interface highly disordered in the absence of pharmacological ADaM site activators as inferred from a low depth of modulation and broad DEER distance distributions. ADaM site ligands such as 991, and to a lesser degree phosphorylation, stabilize the KD-CBM association and strikingly reduce conformational heterogeneity in the ADaM site. Our findings that the ADaM site, formed by the KD-CBM interaction, can be modulated by diverse ligands and by phosphorylation suggest that it may function as a hub for integrating regulatory signals.