Dr. Joel Fajans’ research has recently captured headlinesas a part of the ALPHA collaboration at the CERN,Swizerland that created and captured antihydrogenparticles in November 2010. That event was namedthe #1 Physics Breakthrough of the Year by PhysicsWorld magazine and since then, the team has workedto store these anti-atoms for longer periods of time,clocking 1,000 seconds in April 2011. After getting hisPh.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in1985, Professor Fajans joined the physics departmentas a faculty member in 1988. His lab has since workedon charged plasmas and the occasional paper ongyroscopic motion that speaks to his love of biking.While in Switzerland, Professor Fajans shared histhoughts on the uses of antihydrogen and the future ofantimatter research when Berkeley Scientific Journalspoke with him over Skype in the summer of 2011.