Intensive English program (IEP) administrators and faculty are often asked to submit proposals and to design programs for special short-term groups. Some groups have specific requests for certain content whereas others may have no specific requests. Content is an ideal organizing principle for short-term programs regardless of the group’s request. Using two extended examples of short-term programs, this paper systematically outlines the methods of drafting proposals and then describes the design and successful implementation of these programs. Attention is given to factors such as (a) setting up the overall structure and goals of a short-term program, (b) choosing content, (c) designing classroom lessons, (d) evaluating the program, (e) assessing student progress, and (f) dealing with unknown issues. Short-term programs for groups are increasingly important to IEPs today and provide benefits to the IEP, its students, its faculty and administrators, and to the larger institution and local community.