This thesis will present an alternative UAV design to address issues encountered by
conventional platforms when deploying in under harsh conditions. The design proposed
is a ballistically deployed UAV platform, or Ground-Launched, Air-Deployable (GLAD)
platform to be either projectile launched from the ground or inserted into the target
environment from above via a ’parent’ aircraft. This gives it the ability to punch through
sparse ground cover or be tossed clear of hazardous ground conditions such as turbulent
winds, before deploying above. Furthermore, this thesis will look into new design
strategies applied to the conception of such a platform: when designing a UAV with
the very broad goal of facilitating deployment in field conditions, the widely differing
operating environments which this infers are so broad as to make an ideal design for
this job a superfluous notion: jack of all trades, master of none. Because of this, and
the empowerment brought on by 3D printing, this thesis suggests a new, more efficient
design process for small ballistic 3D printed UAV platforms.
By creating a work-flow which allows for the individual optimization and design
of each aspect of the platform’s design, a single process can be used to design multiple
platforms with varying designs for various applications in various environments. Thus
doing away with the age-old engineering tradition of creating one-size-fits-all designs.