The Hamming torus of dimension $d$ is the graph with vertices $\{1,\dots,n\}^d$ and
an edge between any two vertices that differ in a single coordinate. Bootstrap percolation
with threshold $\theta$ starts with a random set of open vertices, to which every vertex
belongs independently with probability $p$, and at each time step the open set grows by
adjoining every vertex with at least $\theta$ open neighbors. We assume that $n$ is large
and that $p$ scales as $n^{-\alpha}$ for some $\alpha>1$, and study the probability that
an $i$-dimensional subgraph ever becomes open. For large $\theta$, we prove that the
critical exponent $\alpha$ is about $1+d/\theta$ for $i=1$, and about
$1+2/\theta+\Theta(\theta^{-3/2})$ for $i\ge2$. Our small $\theta$ results are mostly
limited to $d=3$, where we identify the critical $\alpha$ in many cases and, when
$\theta=3$, compute exactly the critical probability that the entire graph is eventually