ABSTRACT: Alegaselia minutior Borgmeier (Phoridae) is reported here for the first time for Baja California. At least in the spring months, Culicoides furens (Poey) (Ceratopogonidae) is the commonest biting midge around Isla San Jose', Bahi'a Balandra and neighboring sites. It was found breeding around the aerial roots of the mangrove Avicennia nitida in swamp mud and burrows of the crab Sesarnw sulcatum. Smittia sp. (Chironomidae) and an apparently undescribed species of Dasyhelea (Ceratopogonidae) were collected from the same habitat on Isla San Jose! We present also some quantitative results for C. furens from emergence traps and preliminary behavior experiments. Deinocerites mcdonaldi Belkin & Hogue (Culicidae) was found breeding in burrows of the crabs Cardisoma crassum and S. sulcatum at several sites north of La Paz: these records extend the known northern limit for its distribution.