Research on analogical problem solving has found that people
often fail to spontaneously notice the relevance of a source
analog when solving a target problem, although they are able to
form mappings and derive inferences when given a hint to recall
the source. To investigate the determinants of spontaneous
analogical transfer, the present study systematically compared
the effect of augmenting verbal descriptions of the source with
animations or static diagrams. Solution rates to Duncker’s radiation
problem were measured across varying source presentation
conditions, and participants’ understanding of the relevant
source material was assessed. Supplemental animations
increased both comprehension of the source analog and spontaneous
transfer to the radiation problem. Supplemental diagrams
yielded lesser improvement in participants’ understanding
of source material and did not increase solution rates to the
target problem. To investigate individual differences in spontaneous
transfer, fluid intelligence was measured for each participant
using an abridged version of the Raven’s Progressive
Matrices (RPM) test. Animated source depictions were most
beneficial in facilitating spontaneous transfer for those participants
with low scores on the fluid intelligence measure.