We study the Chow rings of the Hurwitz spaces parametrizing degree 3, 4, and 5 covers of the projective line, the Chow rings of the moduli spaces of curves of genus 7, 8, and 9, and the Chow rings of moduli spaces of elliptic surfaces. We prove a stabilization result for the Chow rings of the Hurwitz spaces, and completely determine the Chow ring for degree 3 covers. We use these results to compute the Chow rings of the moduli spaces of curves of genus 7, 8, and 9. Then, we compute the Chow rings of moduli spaces of elliptic surfaces. We show that they satisfy a stability property, and that they satisfy vanishing and dimension properties predicted by Oprea--Pandharipande.
Given a general abelian fivefold A and a symmetric principal polarisation Θ ⊂ A, the primal cohomology of Θ is the part which is not inherited from A. We compute numerical invariants of the primal cohomology lattice, and construct surfaces inside Θ whose classes span the subspace fixed by -1 (with rational coefficients). This gives a constructive proof of the rational Hodge conjecture for Θ. The sublattice generated by the surfaces is (up to a factor of 2) isometric to the root lattice E6.
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