We introduce a computational model capturing the high-level
features of the complementary learning systems (CLS) frame-
work. In particular, we model the integration of episodic mem-
ory with statistical learning in an end-to-end trainable neural
network architecture. We model episodic memory with a non-
parametric module which can retrieve past observations in re-
sponse to a given observation, and statistical learning with a
parametric module which performs inference on the given ob-
servation. We demonstrate on vision and control tasks that our
model is able to leverage the respective advantages of nonpara-
metric and parametric learning strategies, and that its behavior
aligns with a variety of behavioral and neural data. In partic-
ular, our model performs consistently with results indicating
that episodic memory systems in the hippocampus aid early
learning and transfer generalization. We also find qualitative
results consistent with findings that neural traces of memories
of similar events converge over time. Furthermore, without
explicit instruction or incentive, the behavior of our model nat-
urally aligns with results suggesting that the usage of episodic
systems wanes over the course of learning. These results sug-
gest that key features of the CLS framework emerge in a task-
optimized model containing statistical and episodic learning
components, supporting several hypotheses of the framework.