While a considerable amount of research is done in the fieldof moral psychology, to our best knowledge, no systematicstudy of moral judgments made by professional groups whomake moral decisions as part of their occupational dutiesexists (e.g. firefighters, medical doctors, midwives, policeofficers). By their training and practice, such professionals areexpected to exhibit differences in moral judgment comparedto the general population. Here we report data about moraljudgments of firefighters and midwives using moral dilemmasin which one person must be sacrificed in order to save morepeople. The study reveals that midwives and firefighters areconsiderably less utilitarian compared to a control group ofstudents. Midwives almost never find the utilitarian action tobe permissible. This striking result demonstrates that furtherunderstanding of the specific mechanisms involved in specialprofessional groups’ moral judgment is needed.