Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is an emerging field with applications that
span scientific, engineering, medical and other disciplines. Significant human and
capital infrastructure is needed for testing behavior of WSNs in real-world deployments.
Sensor network simulations have the advantage of facilitating testing
without going through the rigors of a deployment, but require good simulation
models. However, high-quality communication and phenomena models are extremely
hard to come by and suffer from need of large quantity of training data
to capture the time-varying nature of the underlying phenomenon. In my dissertation,
I address issues in the modeling of wireless links (communication-related)
and occupancy monitoring (application phenomenon-related). For wireless link
modeling, I advocate a novel machine learning-based, data-driven approach involving
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Mixtures of Multivariate Bernoullis
(MMBs) for modeling the long and short time scale behavior of links. For occupancy
modeling, I propose SCOPES, a wireless camera sensor network for
gathering building occupancy traces for aiding model creation. However, both
problems require large quantity of training data to model the time varying nature of the underlying phenomenon. For each instance, I solve the training data problem
by using parameter-tying based model adaptation techniques that constrain
the new model parameters through a nonlinear transformation of a pre-existing
reference model. Using model adaptation, I showed that we can achieve significant
reduction in training data requirement, thereby improving the simulation
quality by enabling the construction of high-quality models.