Alopecia affects many individuals worldwide. Owing to the large role that hair loss plays in self-image and self-confidence, an increasing number of these men and women seek options for hair restoration.Major considerations and sources of hesitation for strip surgical restoration are the visible linear scar, prolonged downtime, and other expected side effects of invasive procedures. These problems can be circumvented by smaller harvest approaches. However, the traditional punch harvest, which produces no linear scar, does leave patients with an often-unsatisfactory “doll hair” appearance. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that utilizes a punch device to harvest occipital follicular units that are later transplanted in areas of loss to restore hair growth. FUE captures the benefit of multiple available restoration techniques and avoids the disadvantages of traditional strip surgery. A number of variations on the procedure are currently in practice and many more exciting advances are underway.