Verbs may refer to the means (I bumped into the lamp) or
outcome (I broke the lamp) of an action (cf. Rappaport Hovav
& Levin, 2010; Talmy, 1985). Do young children expect
language to encode this distinction? Children’s imitation
patterns suggest that they analyze nonlinguistic events in
these terms. When a head-touch is the simplest action
available, toddlers include just the outcome, not the means, in
their own imitation (Gergely, Bekkering, & Kir√°ly, 2002). We
ask whether syntax influences this inference. An experimenter
with her hands occupied made a toy activate with a headtouch,
using either Means-focused (I’m daxing to my toy) or
Outcome-focused language (I’m daxing my toy). Toddlers
then imitated the action. Means- but not Outcome-focus
language encouraged children to include the distinctive headtouch,
overriding the standard ‘rational imitation’ effect. This
suggests that toddlers’ knowledge of argument structure
includes an understanding of a means/outcome divide in verb