This study investigates barriers to accessing the Davis Amtrak Station and will inform a pilot program to increase access to the station with on-demand alternatives. The program aims to decrease private vehicle use to access the station and for travel to locations outside of Davis. Currently, the Davis station has the third highest passenger usage along the Capitol Corridor and ridership is increasing, but potential ridership is limited by parking availability. The city has limited interest in or ability to add new parking capacity, however pricing will be introduced to the lot in the future. In addition, the city will introduce a pilot program to support the use of on-demand alternatives and other modes to access the Davis station. The goal of this phase of the study was to develop surveys for Davis residents and current Capital Corridor riders that will assess barriers to use of the station. Such factors likely include limited vehicle and bicycle parking, limited local bus service hours, last mile challenges at the other end of the trip, and the convenience of driving for regional travel. The results of this survey will offer insights into the key factors influencing the use of the Capitol Corridor regional rail, and the importance of station access among those factors. Further, this phase of the study will inform the development and implementation of the city’s pilot program.