For cases in which precise information is practically or
actually unknowable, certainty and precision can indicate a
lack of competence, while expressions of ignorance may
indicate greater expertise. In two experiments, we
investigated whether children and adults are able to use this
“virtuous ignorance” as a cue to expertise. Experiment 1
found that adults and children older than 9 years selected
confident informants for knowable information and ignorant
informants for unknowable information. However, 5-7-yearolds
overwhelmingly favored a confident informant, even
when such precision was completely implausible. In
Experiment 2, we demonstrated that 5-8-year-olds and adults
are both able to distinguish between knowable and
unknowable items when asked how difficult the information
would be to acquire, but those same children still failed to
reject the precise and confident informant for unknowable
items. We suggest that children have difficulty integrating
information about the knowability of particular facts into their
evaluations of expertise