SAM 2x5 is an iron based amorphous metal (Fe49.7 Cr17.7 Mn1.9 Mo7.4 W1.6 B15.2 C3.8 Si2.4) that demonstrated the highest elastic limit during shock impact ever reported for a bulk metallic glass. In this research, SAM 2x5 powder was attempted to be thermally drawn into an amorphous metallic fiber via a draw tower assembled by the project team. Fibers were attempted to be drawn at varying temperatures ranging from 700 to 900˚C and varying process speeds. Resulting fibers were analyzed under optical imaging and scanning electron microscopy, which showed that the SAM 2x5 powder was unable to create a continuous fiber via the thermal draw tower. The resulting fibers contained various amounts of small spherical SAM 2x5 particles entrapped inside the glass cladding, caused by the breakup of the solidified SAM 2x5 powder column.