Introduction: The Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) attempts to combat the lack of resources and knowledge in high-risk families and women who are pregnant for the first time. This paper assesses the effect of the NFP on child development.
Methods: Google Scholar, CINAHL, PubMed, and Trip were used to conduct a literature review. Articles chosen were randomized control trials and involved implementation of the NFP with a longitudinal follow-up of the children.
Results: Two out of three studies demonstrated that the NFP positively affected academic success of the children; two out of three studies demonstrated that children who received the intervention had less emotional/behavior issues.
Discussion: All studies were randomized control trials without dropout. Studies utilizing objective data had more accurate results than those utilizing self-report. There was a discontinuity of care in one study and no way to measure visit content and conduct in any of the studies.
Conclusion: Results were most pronounced in low-resource and school-age children. Nurses should recruit high-risk clients and advocate for programs such as the NFP. Further research should strive to standardize measurements, include additional follow-ups, and consider pregnancy and parental outcomes.