We present some combinatorial results about finitely generated groups, particularly groups acting on rooted trees.
Given a finitely generated group G and a positive integer k, the product replacement graph Γk(G) is the graph whose vertices are generating k-tuples of G, and whose edges are Nielsen transformations between these generating k-tuples. We prove that if G has polynomial growth or G has exponential growth, then Γk(G) has exponential growth for sufficiently large k. We also prove with a direct combinatorial argument that Γk(Gω) has exponential growth for k ≥ 5, where Gω is the generalized Grigorchuk group.
We prove that Γk(G) is non-amenable for sufficiently large k in either of the following two cases: G is uniformly non-amenable, or G is virtually indicable. It follows that Γk(G) is non-amenable whenever G is a linear group, or a hyperbolic group, or an elementary amenable group.
We describe two Mealy automata, the Aleshin automaton and the Bellaterra automaton, whose Schreier graphs are conjectured to be expanders. We verify that these Schreier graphs have polylogarithmic diameter. We describe a class of Mealy automata for which the same is true. However, some members of this class do not give rise to expander graphs.