Recent evidence shows that, contrary to what is commonly
assumed, people who are pressured to think fast are also less
likely to provide a heuristic judgment when heuristic and
logical considerations point to conflicting answers in a
conjunction fallacy task (Vallée-Tourangeau & Faure-
Bloom, under review). The present study explores this
finding using an eye-tracking methodology. Eye movements
from 41 participants were recorded while they read a
thumbnail description and made a judgment on a statement
comparing the probability of a single-event and that of a
conjunctive event. Results showed participants focused more
on the comparative probability statement under logicoheuristic
conflict while they focused more the task
description in the absence of conflict. Additionally, longer
judgment latencies predicted higher rates of heuristic
responding, which contradicts the original dual-process
assumption that heuristic thinking in conjunction fallacy
tasks is fast.