Infants learn the sound categories of their language and adults
successfully process the sounds they hear, even though sound
categories often overlap in their acoustics. Most researchers
agree that listeners use context to disambiguate overlapping cat-
egories. However, they differ in their ideas about how context
is used. One idea is that listeners normalize out the systematic
effects of context from the acoustics of a sound. Another idea
is that contextual information may itself be an informative cue
to category membership, due to patterns in the types of contexts
that particular sounds occur in. We directly contrast these two
ways of using context by applying each one to the test case of
Japanese vowel length. We find that normalizing out contextual
variability from the acoustics does not improve categorization,
but using context in a top-down fashion does so substantially.
This reveals a limitation of normalization in phonetic acquisi-
tion and processing and suggests that approaches that make use
of top-down contextual information are promising to pursue.