Interactive intelligent agents use cognitive models to antic-
ipate and simulate human behavior, and a fundamental pil-
lar of human cognition and interaction is narrative. As a
result, agents need to understand human comprehension of
various types of narratives. A key component of modeling
comprehension is the perception of interestingness of con-
stituent actions and events in the narrative. In this paper, we
briefly review previous theories of interestingness, drawn from
cognitive psychology and narratology. We propose expanded
computationally amenable theory of interest which takes into
account both cognitive and experiential aspects of perceived
interest. To empirically validate the theory, we present a
narrative generator for abstract animations inspired by Heider
and Simmel’s experiments (Heider & Simmel, 1944). The
generated animations are parameterized along the dimensions
of our proposed theory. We present the results of a user study
with this generative system and report on the effects of visual
narrative parameters on perceived interest.