Implementing random time effects in neural networks has
been a challenge for neural network researchers. In this
paper, we propose a neurophysiologically inspired temporal
summation mechanism to reflect real-time random dynamic
processing in neural networks. According to the physiology
of neuronal firing, a presynaptic neuron sends out a burst of
random spikes to a postsynaptic neuron. In the postsynaptic
neuron, spikes arriving at different points in time are summed
until the postsynaptic membrane potential exceeds a
threshold, thus initiating postsynaptic firing. This temporal
summation process can be used as a metric for deriving time
predictions in neural networks. To demonstrate potential
applications of temporal summation, we have employed a
feedforward, two-layer network featuring a Hebbian learning
rule to perform simulations using the semantic priming
experimental paradigm. W e are able to successfully
reproduce not only the basic patterns of observed response
time data (e.g., positively skewed response time distributions
and speed-accuracy trade-offs) but also the semantic priming
effect and the time-course of priming as a function of
stimulus-onset-asynchrony. These results suggest that the
proposed temporal summation mechanism may be a
promising candidate for incorporating real-time, random time
effects into neural network modeling of human cognition.